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Carnival Court 2025!

The hunt is on!

Stowmarket Carnival Committee are starting our search for next year’s Carnival Court, and if you would like to be in the running for Sovereign, Prince, or Princess, here’s all you need to know.

Nomination forms will be available from mid-November, and the Court will be chosen by drawing the names out in a videoed Big Reveal at Red Gables at the Christmas Fayre on 24th November.

So where can you get a nomination form?  We will be on the Market Saturday 16th & 23rd November, and at the Fayre on 24th November, and will also ask a couple of venues in the Town to hold forms for us. 

But make sure you get them back to us in time for the draw!  Deadlines: 2pm on Saturday 23rd November at the market, or 2:30pm on Sunday 24th November at the Fayre.

The Carnival next year is going to be on the weekend of 19th and 20th July. The Court will lead the Carnival Procession on Saturday 19th July, and will join the fun on the Recreation Ground on Saturday and Sunday. The Court will also take part in the Felixstowe Carnival Procession on Saturday 27th July.

To be Carnival Sovereign (King or Queen) you must be 18 on or before Friday 18th July 2025, and to be Carnival Prince or Princess you must be 8 on or before the same date.

This year, as last, the Committee have decided to accept only applications from people who have never been part of a previous Stowmarket Court.

Chair Simon Burton explained “Stowmarket has had a lot of new people move into the area, and we want to give all families the best possible chance to take part. We really hope that we will have a lot of nominations, and maybe this year even a Carnival King!”

Simon added “While we are out & about accepting nominations for the Court, we will also be selling raffle tickets for our Christmas Draw, with some amazing prizes! It is a great way for us to raise much-needed funds for the Carnival, as well as making someone’s Christmas.

Due to rising prices/costs, it takes over £25,000 to put on Stowmarket Carnival, which is run by a great team of volunteers, so any help or sponsorship is always really appreciated.”

We would love to hear your views – comment here, email us, or message us on Facebook

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